It's hard to keep track of the fast paced world, but we at UEMK Spie Optica Student Chapter, bring to you the world and it's myriad of knowledge waiting to be explored, right at your fingertips. We aim to bring to you the latest innovations and unfiltered beauty of science from reliable sources. Put your thinking caps on cause the World and it's innovations are just a click away now!
Visit UsIn this world full of surprises and wonders there exists a class of fluids that tends to deny our run-of-the-mill understanding regarding the behavior of fluids. These mysterious substances, the master of their own will, questions the existence of Sir Isaac Newton’s Law of Viscosity.
As you probably know The term ‘gig’ originates from the world of performing arts, where comedians, musicians, and performers are paid for individual performances, called ‘gigs.’ The gig economy is a free market in which individuals earn income from on-demand, short-term assignments, tasks, or jobs.
Fascinating isn't it? Just how fictional technologies are becoming scientific reality in the near future? Just thinking about how things we saw on movies and read on books are now becoming possible! All thanks to the advancement in science and technology.